
Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Can We Agree That....

This was done by vxside at Deviantart.  I saw this picture and I fell in loved with it.

Spring is the worse season ever?  Think about it for a moment.  My main enemy during the spring season is pollen.  That alone should be everyone #1 enemy during spring.  It fucking everywhere!!  I look thru my windows and everything is yellow.  The porch is yellow, my car is yellow, the driveway is yellow.  It sucks donkey balls.  When I go outside, i feel like i need a bubble around me at all times.  When the wind blows you can see a cloud of pollen blowing around.  Makes you wanna lock yourself inside your home.  Second worse thing in my opinion is bugs are starting to come out of their hibernation.  I'm already swatting mosquitoes.

What I'm starting to notice the same about this year and last year is that temperatures are either cold or hot during spring.  This past Sunday and Monday, temps reach the 80s with what felt like high humidity.  Temps right now are in the 70s.  Which is where it should be but inside my home, i got humidity up the wazoo.  Got 2 fans going near my desk.  The AC not put in yet because there is leak in it somewhere.  Plus it needs to be cleaned really good before being installed.

For Summer, it not bad because all that pollen is washed away.  Bugs are still a problem but we deal with them the best we can.  I remember last summer that the mosquito population wasn't to bad around my neighborhood.  Maybe that was due to the lack of rain.  Temperatures haven't to bad last summer.  Few days where the temps reached 90 degrees.  Around August and September, we get a influx of hurricanes.  Luckily for us, Maryland never gotten a direct hit from a hurricane.  We usually get the aftermath when a hurricane comes up the coast.  By the time it gets here, it just mostly rain with some wind.  Although it makes me chuckle when the tourons flee the town because they think the worse.  For some of you, maybe tornadoes are your fears during the summer season.  Shit some of you have already gotten tornadoes.  Those people probably hate spring already.

Fall gotta be my favorite season.  The weather is like spring like but you don't get pollen.  Bugs are on their way out.  Leaves change to beautiful colors then gently fall to the ground.  Fall is everything you want in a season.

Winter is well cold.  I don't understand why such hate with winter.  I hear people say...

"oh when i move it gonna be somewhere warm year around"

"blah blah blah winter sucks, snow sucks, everything about winter sucks." 

To me, i like the different seasons because it keeps you on your toes.  You can bundle up to stay warm.  Unlike summer thought when it gets really hot out, you can be naked and still be hot.

What I'm really saying is by summer time let all get naked shall we. :)

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