
Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Oh Brothel, Where Art Thou?

I've been thinking about what to give up for Lent. I'm not catholic but what the hell let go for it!  Should be a fun little experiment.  What I chose is ***drum roll***  gum. I don't talk about it much but I am a big gum chewer. And I'm curious how far I'm gonna go. I was gonna give up porn but that too easy.

Yes I support breast cancer ;)

Anyone wanna take bets how long I'll last? Remember I have a lousy memory. So this could end early. You never know. Place your bets everyone.

If you are taking part, what are you giving up?


  1. I say you forget and chew gum by tomorrow.

    I went to a Catholic HS, and we always had to write down in a journal what we were giving up. I always said something ridiculous like sex or drugs. But, it never worked out too well. I'm surely going to Hell.

  2. Haha give me alittle faith here Lily. I was gonna say give up smoking but im a non smoker. So that way to easy.

  3. goodbye meat for me. and i give it a week.

  4. A brothel, also known as a whorehouse - Useful history of brothels

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