
Sunday, May 15, 2011

For Hire, Your Best Movie Theater Friend.

Today marks my second time I've been to the theaters in two years.  In the past decade, I can only remember going to the theater three times.  The first one was Swordfish (come on Halle Barry boobs.  I had to go!). Second was January of last year when I went to see Avatar in 3D with friends.  I vaguely remember a couple of people talking.  I know the friends i was with did talk a little bit during the movie.

Fast forward to today, I went to see Thor (not 3D) with a friend from work.  Who also brought his son and a friend from college.  We got to the theater, found decent seats and the movie starts.  No more than 5 minutes into the previews, some douche behind me is actually talking on the phone.  This guy did tell the person on the other end that he at the theater.  Thank you mysterious person but did you seriously need to take that call?  Shortly after that a guy in front of my was sending/receiving text messages.  Later on, another man left the room while looking at his phone.  Only to return ten minutes later.  Assuming he was taking a phone call.  Could of been something else who knows.  But come on people!  Put your phone away.  You are not that fucking important.  My phone never left my pocket when the movie started.  My friend's son could not sit still.  Luckily the college friend was sitting between me and the kid.  I was not annoyed by him.

After those few minor annoyances, the Thor experience was good.  Movie was ok.  Action in the beginning and the end with some humor thrown in.  If you do go see Thor, make sure to stay after the credits.  If anyone going to the movies but wants someone who not gonna talk or use their phone throughout the movie, feel free to hire me.  All you have to do is buy my ticket and snacks.

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What surprising for me was that it was not expensive.  1 Thor (not 3D) ticket was $8.  I bought a small (large fucking drink for a small) cola for $5 and change.  No popcorn because i ate before leaving.  I spent less than $20.  Fucking fantastic IMO!

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